Now he's more laid back, only shouting if something really makes him annoyed. Characterisation Marches On: In earlier Archives, Ben was a lot more irritable and shouted more often.2" episode, the contact information for the company behind the Cat Sitter video was blacked out, possibly in retaliation for the failed "KTC" scare tactic (see Berserk Button above). Censor Box: Almost every written mention of Walt Disney or WGN is blacked out (see You Wanna Get Sued? below).unique take on the UAV VHS distribution house.

Another Caustic Critic drops in on the "Public Domain VHS Distributors" with a.Ben played this up initially, but it would later be toned down quickly, because the pain from the aforementioned car accident affected him too much to continue that attitude (not to mention the glut of similar reviewers making him want to do something more original).Catapult Nightmare: A rare audio example appears at the start of "Halloween Special 2013", where, after enduring a nightmare mix of Max Headroom, scary logos, Emergency Broadcast System beeps and the Happy Hamster, we hear Ben rise out of bed and a good plenty of creaking.Canada, Eh?: Ben puts on a Canadian accent as part of a shoutout to the McKenzie Brothers in "Christmas Special 2014".The Cameo: Techmoan appears in an interview in the Episode 200 special, "Behind the Box".When Ben looks at the Odyssey 2 Voice Module he says that the voice it produces is a lot like Max Headroom to which he remarks "The real Max Headroom, not the hijacker.".The number for Ben's home shopping network in the "Home Shopping Channels" episode is the DivX phone number, a callback to "Disposable DVD’s (DIVX & Flexplay)".2 (odds and ends)" when Ben explains the conditions of Trans-Atlantic Video Inc.'s warranty, claiming the warranty wasn't good if you smeared peanut butter on the tape. In "Public Domain VHS Distributors", there's a reference to the end of "Copy Protection Vol.Max Headroom pops up in "Format Wars" when Ben describes a damaged, skipping CED like watching Max Headroom even when you didn't want to.Ben seems to regard the musical sting for the Protect and Survive shorts as this, leading him to later dub other uncanny-synth jingles trying to sound futuristic as having "Protect and Survive Syndrome".unpleasant-sounding things before redacting his prior panning of the album. This is also the case with the Italian Dance Party record's rendition of "Arrivederci Roma".note This mainly more of a joke than anything - Ben seems to think Janet Greene's work is relatively decent for conservative folk music (not that this is presented as any great honour). Janet Greene's " Fascist Threat " is used twice as a method of forcing people to join the Republican Party, because it is just that bad.It's a Tranquil Fury, but Ben does seem legitimately upset over it. 2 (odds and ends)", rants about companies, like the one that made the Cat Sitter video, who underestimate people's competence and who overestimate their own clout. Berserk Button: Ben, at the end of "Copy Protection Vol.Badass Boast: Foul-mouthed Caustic Critic Geno Cuddy's break-in during "Public Domain VHS Distributors" is one.Atomic Hate: Several episodes deal with this.Rule of Funny almost certainly applies here.
Artistic License – History: In the Bicentennial episode, Ben gives a history lesson in which he states that "Sam Wilson got a paper-cut while signing the Declaration of Independence." The Declaration was written and signed on animal skin, not paper.Abusive Parents: Ben (as a character, at least) is implied to have these.
"Aaaand welcome to the Tropes Related to the Series Archive."

Oddity Archive is a webseries regarding past technology and the odder, often scarier but relatively obscure parts of film, television and music, occasionally making riffs on certain things. So what did he do? He decided to try his hands out at being an internet Caustic Critic towards this stuff. But then that was scrapped as well since there's a whole video component to the whole thing. However, he discovered that his humor barely made any sense written, so he decided to make a one-off podcast. Trying to find ways to cope so he could think less about his pain, he decided to look back on his childhood curiosity with technology and make an article about the Max Headroom incident in June 2012. In April 2012, Colorado resident and former folk musician Ben Minnotte became the victim of a car crash that left him with neither a job nor wheels, and with a damaged ribcage.

Ben "That Shmuck with the Cardboard Box" Minnotte