She asks you to find him and mentioned where his house is. She will give you some gold however, she is worried about Ethon who went to his house in order to seek the sewer’s key but he has come back yet. Go back to the inn and talk to the bartender. Unfortunately, the door is locked, that means you did everything in this dungeon (well, in the cellar of the inn). Go in the next room, kill the last spiders. Kill the first spiders (watch out, they do serious damages with their bite), in the next room kill three spiders.
#Gba eye of the beholder walkthrough crack
Carry on, kill the two last kobolds and notice the crack on the wall: it will be useful later. Go through the hole ( 3 ), encounter the first kobolds then two others in the next room. Depending of what you choose, skip or not the next paragraph. Ok, your task is accomplished but as I said before, you can go through the hole and kill the other enemies if you want to level up to 2. More rats are waiting for you in the next room and the last ones are in the room after the corridor. In the first room, kill the two rats, go in the next room and kill more rats ( 2 ). Also, you should take all stuff in the chests, the barrels and the jars (hit the barrels and the jars in order to grab the goodies). I suggest you to kill all the enemies here in order to level up. Most of the enemies is giant rats (your main goal in this dungeon) but you will encounter a few kobolds and a few giant spiders. Now go to the south, open the door with the key (B button), read the instructions if you want and go down. You will get a rusty dagger and the cellar key. Then, talk to Ethon next to the fireplace ( 1 ). She will give you the key of the sewers if you get rid of the rats in the cellar. So, without wasting time, let's start the quest, shall we?Īfter the cutscene, you are in the tavern without any equipment (some thieves attacked you but you’ve been saved by the guards of the city).Talk to the bartender, you will learn more about those thieves and where your equipment is located. Finally, do I have to mention that this walkthrough has to be used in case of emergency?

It will take a while to make my own maps on Paint because they are still on some pieces of paper, don't worry I will take care of that later. Also, the dungeons are not so difficult at all, relatively linear but if you are lost, I suggest you to draw a map or ask me to send my self-made maps if you want.

It's up to you to make your own character but I didn't feel like beating the game with the ranger or the fighter (that I think, and once again, it's my opinion, it's a cheap class in roleplaying games, a bit moron but they are useful most of the time ^^ ). I decided to do the entire adventure with the wizard because I love magic and mostly I love this class. At the beginning of the game, you can choose between three classes: the fighter, the ranger and the wizard. Before starting this walkthrough, I want to say a few things. About last time, it's a long story, don't ask me please, it 's an old story now. Well, this walkthrough will be better than the last one, everything will be ok.

It's a game that I enjoyed playing to be honest and I will not lie: I'm still playing this game because I'm so addicted to this one ha ha. This month, I've chosen a game dealing with fantasy, heroism, whatever you want to call that. It's your host Laian and welcome to another walkthrough.